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Terms of Use

The Legal and Terms of Use page are interconnected and tied together. Their virtual separation is only present to ease the process of reading.

This project is not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

By downloading and using ReviOS and its accompanying tools, you acknowledge and agree that you are doing so at your own risk and discretion. You must understand that ReviOS may make changes to your system settings and files.

Furthermore, you agree to comply with all applicable Microsoft Windows Terms of Service. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of the playbook complies with these terms. MeetRevision (us) takes no responsibility for any damage or loss of data that may result from the use of the playbook.

Please review Microsoft's Terms of Service carefully before proceeding: Microsoft Terms of Service.

Additional info on this specific matter can be found on the Legal page.

No warranties, either expressed or implied, are herewith given for anything modified or produced by Revision (ReviOS).

We're NOT responsible for any direct or indirect consequences/damage resulting from their use.

Always do and test backups beforehand through multiple means, copies or on multiple (storage)devices.