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Windows Updates

ReviOS is fully compatible with Windows Updates since the 23.12 playbook version. Meaning that you can get the latest security patches and feature updates from Microsoft without any issues. Moreover, Windows Update will not be able to reinstall any system components that ReviOS has removed (apart from ads and some Appx packages). You can enjoy the benefits of both ReviOS and Windows Update without compromising your system stability or user experience.

Is Windows Updates disabled?

Windows Updates are not disabled entirely. ReviOS pauses Windows Updates by default and disables automatic Updates checking. This way we are able to maintain Microsoft Store, Activation and other Windows services functionality. You can enable Windows Update at any time by using the Revision Tool.

How to update Windows?

Please see the dedicated Upgrading Windows page.

After updating Windows, should I re-run the playbook?

Absolutely! The playbook will re-apply all the tweaks and patches to your system, and will also remove any new bloatware that might have been installed by Windows Update. You can find more information about updating the playbook on the dedicated page.